Technology Convergence

TechnologyRemember how a telephone is just a telephone?
Remember how a calculator is just a calculator?
Remember how a television is just television?

Today, things have really changed around us. A telephone now has evolved into a mobile communication device with the capabilities of calculators and television (my earlier post on the Nokia N92 proves just that). The reverse is also true; i.e. television has evolved not only to bring audio/video but acts also as communication devices. We have now entered into the world of technology convergence.

Soon, the new generation of televisions will boast not only its flatter and thinner dimensions but a growing list of functionality as well. IPTV provides video on demand, Voice Over IP and Internet web access on top of what your normal ‘idiot box’ would provide. Do you know that there are currently 1,300 IPTV channels that you can actually watch for free? All you need is just a broadband Internet connection and a device that allows you to watch videos. These devices are not limited to the television but also the iPods and cell phones; bringing about mobile TV.

In the very near future, the ‘idiot box’ will transform into an intelligent box when IPTV really takes off here. I can imagine myself ordering pizza delivery using the TV remote controls – life is bliss. 😉

[tags]IPTV, technology, convergence, television, mobile TV[/tags]

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